WASHINGTON, D.C. — America Rising PAC has released a new video titled “Race to the Bottom” that highlights the crippling divide between the Democratic Party’s Establishment and more leftist camps.

The ad points to newly-elected DNC Chairman Tom Perez’s foul language as being completely at odds with former First Lady Michelle Obama’s slogan, “when they go low, we go high.”

“They don’t give out prizes for the biggest horse’s ass,” Perez says in the video clip after they play Michelle Obama’s now-famous words. “And the race is on to the bottom,” CBS anchor John Dickerson says in the video clip in reaction to Perez’s words. “Or, whatever is below the bottom,” before the video cuts back to Perez saying, “those Republican leaders and President Trump don’t give a shit about the people they were trying to hurt.”

During the 2016 campaign, Michelle Obama spent her time telling Democrats, “when they go low, we go high.” Yet America Rising’s new video highlights the stark contrast between those fighting words and Perez ‘s coarse, spiteful language against the Republican Party. It has even been suggested that Perez’s verbiage is a sign of desperation and weakness.

This month, Sanders and Perez kicked off their “Unity Tour” in Portland, Maine. Perez was booed by the crowd. “Maybe you came because you’re curious about the new DNC Chairman [Tom Perez] and the future of the Democratic Party,” the female speaker who introduced Perez said to loud boos and chants against Perez.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has drawn much larger crowds than Perez has, which could be just one of several reasons why Perez had appeared to embrace more far-left rhetoric. Sanders had a significant and thriving base of supporters.

“For a party with a message problem, there’s something exhausting about the overuse of the manure spreader,” Dickerson said. The video then shoots to a clip of Perez saying, “That is bullshit.” And another of him saying, “The wall he wants to build; it’s gonna have a garage door because all the shit he makes in Mexico.” And then with a clip of Perez saying, “they call their budget a skinny budget; I call it a shitty budget.”

In two scenes, Perez attempts to curb his foul mouth due to the presence of children.

“It suggests a reliance on shock rather than strength of an argument,” Dickerson says of Perez. He posits, “In times of tension, do you keep your standards or do you drop them?”

The ad closes out with Michelle Obama saying, “the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country.”

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