Mark Green, President Trump’s pick for Army secretary, withdrew from consideration on Friday after a stream of criticism from gay rights advocacy groups and negative media reports about past comments he made.

Green cited “false and misleading attacks” as a reason for the decision and said his nomination had become a distraction for Trump, according to the Washington Examiner.

“Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain,” Green said.

He said his past comments had “no bearing on the needs of the Army or [his] qualifications to serve.”

Green is a devout Christian and former Army special operations flight surgeon. He was attacked by Democrats and civil rights groups for comments they said were homophobic and anti-diversity.

As a Tennessee state legislator, Green opposed the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex, transgender bathroom rights and the teaching of Islam in public schools.

“It’s because of the advocacy community’s hard work that Mr. Green decided to remove his hat from the ring, and it is now my hope that President Trump will take these views into consideration and nominate someone who can faithfully lead and represent all members of the U.S. Army,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, according to the Examiner.

Trump’s first nominee for the position also withdrew his name after he said he faced difficulties divesting from his business interests.

“I appreciate [Trump’s] support and confidence in me, as well as that of Secretary Mattis and many others, and their desire to make America great again by preparing our military to face the many challenges in the world for the safety and security of our nation,” Green added in his statement.

“But to meet these challenges, there should be no distractions. And unfortunately, due to false and misleading attacks against me, this nomination has become a distraction,” Green said.