Pro-gun Representative Even Jenkins (R-WV-3) is challenging gun control Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) for his Senate seat in 2018.

Jenkins has released an internet ad that chronicles Manchin’s broken pro-gun promises; showing Manchin shift from being a pro-gun Senate candidate to a pro-gun control Senator who stood side-by-side with Obama in the push for more gun regulations on law-abiding citizens.

The ad shows Manchin saying, “As your Senator, I’ll protect our Second Amendment rights.”

Then Jenkins says, “Joe Manchin broke that promise. Violating our values and pushing gun control with Barack Obama and the New York liberals.”

The ad shows Obama thanking Manchin and plays a clip of Manchin saying, “I would agree with Mayor Bloomberg. That’s something we agree on; we found commonality.”

The ad shows Manchin saying, “I’ll take on Washington and this administration to get the federal government off of our backs and out of out pockets. I’ll cut federal spending.”

Jenkins retorts, “Say one thing to get elected, do another in DC.”

Jenkins accuses Manchin of “standing with Planned Parenthood to give billions to abortion providers,” then says, “Somewhere along the way, Joe became one of them.”

The ad shows Manchin pointing a rifle, saying, “and I’ll take dead aim,” then switches to images of “shuttered coal mines and shattered communities” and Jenkins says, “Turns out, West Virginia was the target.”

Manchin was the Obama administration’s point man for gun control post-Sandy Hook. At a time when Americans were still reeling from emotional duress that accompanied news of the deaths of 26 at Sandy Hook, Manchin stepped in to push universal background checks–even though background checks had absolutely nothing to do with the attack. After all, the attacker stole his guns, he did not buy them in an alley or at a gun show or online. The attacker stole the guns yet Manchin and the whole of the Democrat Party pushed gun control while Americans were weak.

And on April 14, 2013–just three days before a Senate vote was to be held on Manchin’s gun control–he told CBS’s Face the Nation that his gun control would not have prevented Sandy Hook.

Manchin’s gun control went down in flames on April 17, 2013, and he has spent the last four years trying to revive any time the chance appears. Moreover, on April 21, 2015–just over two years after his gun control was defeated–Manchin told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that his gun control “made sense” in 2013 and that it “makes sense now.”

More recently, on April 21, 2017, Manchin expressed hope that he could somehow secure his gun control while President Trump is in office. Manchin told CNN:

There’s a reason that certain people shouldn’t be able to have access to guns. Every law-abiding gun owner understands that. They read our bill and saw we had a good piece of legislation, but no one had the fortitude to do it. And [Trump] could do it.

Manchin simply cannot quit pushing gun control.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at