The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff (D-WA), lambasted former FBI Director James Comey’s judgment last week, but on Thursday he wrote an op-ed questioning why President Trump fired him.

He wrote Thursday in the Washington Post:

In the wake of President Trump’s brazen interference with the independence of the FBI and the Justice Department, the country faces a crisis of confidence in the administration of justice not seen in more than four decades, and disturbing questions that demand immediate answers.

He also said by firing Comey, Trump caused the public to wonder:

By firing Comey, Trump again has caused the public to wonder whether there is more here than meets the eye. To the long list of questions about his former national security adviser, his attorney general’s flawed testimony before the Senate and his campaign’s contacts with Russia, we must now add one more: Why, really, did the president fire James Comey?

However, last week Schiff blasted Comey, after the former FBI director defended his decision to announce the FBI was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton.

He told CNN last Wednesday that Comey’s decision was “colossally poor exercise of his judgment that has had really significant consequences:”

Consequences on how the country now views the FBI, how it views the Justice Department, I think it has cast a lot of doubt on the impartiality – the apolitical nature of the FBI, and he did the very same damage to the bureau that I think he was hoping to avoid.

He added: “I think it was a very bad judgment that had a very substantial and adverse consequence.”