Last November, then-outgoing President Barack Obama told friends that incoming President Donald Trump is “nothing but a bullsh**er” according to a report in People Magazine.

Obama made the comment as he described for two friends his election night call with presidential victor Trump. People reported that during the call Trump expressed his respect and admiration for the current President. The two friends told the outlet that Obama’s opinion of Trump hasn’t “gotten any better” since that night.

The magazine quoted a third source close to the former President who said that Obama is “deeply concerned with what he’s seen,” but is “heartened” by citizens doing more than watching it happen, “engaging with neighbors and elected representatives at town halls.”

The report goes on to state that then-outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama told visitors in December that she needed mourning attire, “the black series.” Her comments were reportedly made in a joking tone and she went on to say, “I’m going all black for the next couple of years.”

There is a longstanding tradition of former Presidents to refrain from openly criticizing the succeeding President.

In then-President Obama’s final press conference on January 18, he pledged to only comment on Trump’s actions at “certain moments where I think our core values may be at stake,” according to the Washington Post. Just two weeks later he put out a statement calling for public protests against President Trump’s executive order temporarily restricting travel from seven countries. Those countries were identified during the Obama Administration in the Terrorist Prevention Act of 2015.

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