After a four-month delay, Planned Parenthood has released its annual report, which shows increases in the number of abortions performed, taxpayer funding, and profits since its last report.

With Planned Parenthood’s annual reports usually published in late December or early January, the delay this year has stirred considerable speculation as to the reason.

The total number of patients seen by Planned Parenthood has dropped since last year. According to the 2014-2015 report, that number was given as 2.5 million, while the latest report gives the number of patients seen as 2.4 million.

In 2015-2016, Planned Parenthood reports performing 328,348 abortions – an increase of 4,349 abortions over the 323,999 abortions the group states it performed in 2014-2015.

The organization also reported 2,945,059 contraception services in 2014-2015, and 2,808,815 of the same services in its latest report, a drop of 136,244 within a year.

Similarly, Planned Parenthood reports 9,419 prenatal services in its latest report, a significant drop since a year ago, when the group claimed 17,419 of the same services.

In 2014-2015, the group also reported having performed 682,208 cancer screening and prevention services. However, in 2015-2016, Planned Parenthood reports 665,234 of the same services, a drop of 16,974.

With regard to its revenue, the new report shows Planned Parenthood’s total revenue to be $1,354.3 million, an increase over the $1,296.1 million reported in 2014-2015. The organization shows an increase in government reimbursement and grants this year, reporting $554.6 million in taxpayer funding, while in 2014-2015 it reported $553.7 million.

Planned Parenthood reported an “Excess in Revenue Over Expenses” of $58.8 million in 2014-2015. That amount rose to $77.5 million this past year.

“Planned Parenthood’s newly released 2015-2016 annual report reveals that abortion continues to be a big business for the nation’s number one abortion chain, as taxpayer funding rises and other services continue their downward trend,” said Americans United for Life’s president and CEO Catherine Glenn Foster, adding:

Despite reports that the number of abortions performed in the United States is declining, Planned Parenthood once again reports an increase in the number of human lives ended in their facilities: 328,348 abortions last year. Additionally, despite their repeated claims that American women rely on them for life-saving health care services, many of their non-abortion services have continued to decrease.

The latest report is published only days after the release of a video produced by Center for Medical Progress that revealed members of the National Abortion Federation discussing the difficulties they face in their jobs, such as “the head that gets stuck that we can’t get out,” and “an eyeball just fell into my lap, and that is gross!”

YouTube, LiveLeak, and other sites removed the video after U.S. District Judge William Orrick censored it.

Part of the newly released annual report is devoted to a narrative about what Planned Parenthood refers to as “attacks” by “anti-abortion extremists” who “began releasing heavily edited undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials and providers.”

The report continues:

In investigation after investigation by the media, the medical community, and forensic experts, their allegations were widely and resoundingly discredited. But as we know all too well, anti-women’s health politicians will jump at any opportunity — no matter how baseless — to attack our organization.

However, it has been only Planned Parenthood’s allies in the media and government who have “widely and resoundingly discredited” the videos.

A Democrat opposition research firm named Fusion – hired by Planned Parenthood itself to review the videos — said while their analysts observed the videos had been edited, “the analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

Additionally, Fusion noted, “[A]nalysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff.”

An analysis by Coalfire, a third-party forensics company hired by Alliance Defending Freedom, found that the videos were “not manipulated” and that they are “authentic.”

“Planned Parenthood’s new report reveals that abortions, taxpayer funding, and profit have all gone up,” says Family Research Council’s Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity. “Meanwhile its cancer screenings, basic breast exams, prenatal services, and even customers have decreased.”

“This sham organization’s focus is increasingly on higher abortion numbers and higher profits,” she added. “Why are we continuing to hand over half a billion dollars in taxpayer money to an organization that kills America’s unborn children at record rates while lining their pockets with more than $77 million in profit?”