Two million Americans withdrew from Obamacare insurance plans since signing up on a federal exchange in January.

On Monday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published two reports detailing that nearly two million Americans had not paid their insurance premiums to maintain health insurance coverage.

The Effectuated Enrollment Report explains that 12.2 million Americans selected an Obamacare plan at the end of the open enrollment period. However, only 10.3 million decided to pay the required premiums to maintain health insurance coverage as of March 15th.

CMS Administrator Seema Verma explained, “Consumers are sending a clear message that cost and affordability are major factors in their decision to cancel or terminate coverage.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price explained that Americans face less affordable health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. Price said:

Not surprisingly, as costs continue to go up, fewer Americans can afford to pay more and get less for healthcare. Many individuals and families across the country are tired of having their healthcare options dictated to them by Washington – particularly when those limited options are unaffordable. That’s why every day we are working on behalf of President Trump on solutions that will show a little humility from the federal government, equip states to serve their unique and diverse populations, and put healthcare decisions in the hands of patients, families, and their doctors.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued a statement, condemning the continued collapse of Obamacare. He said:

These reports are further proof that Americans don’t want to buy what Obamacare is selling: expensive insurance that fails to meet their health care needs. So far this year, nearly 2 million more people didn’t keep their coverage through Obamacare’s individual insurance marketplace – in large part because of doubling premiums, dwindling choices, and less access to the care that’s right for them. As the Senate moves forward with our effort to repeal and replace this failing law, the House is continuing to take action this week with legislation that will protect and expand access to affordable, quality health care options for our veterans, workers, and families.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price commented on the fewer choices that Americans now face under the Affordable Care Act.

Price said, “Not surprisingly, as costs continue to go up, fewer Americans can afford to pay more and get less for healthcare. Many individuals and families across the country are tired of having their healthcare options dictated to them by Washington – particularly when those limited options are unaffordable. That’s why every day we are working on behalf of President Trump on solutions that will show a little humility from the federal government, equip states to serve their unique and diverse populations, and put healthcare decisions in the hands of patients, families, and their doctors.”