A sex toy company is urging citizens to send their members of Congress a vibrator to support Planned Parenthood as the organization potentially faces the elimination of its taxpayer funding in the GOP Obamacare replacement bill.

With its “Vibes for Congress” campaign, Unbound says 75 percent of all proceeds from the sale of its vibrators sent to members of Congress will benefit the nation’s largest provider of abortions.

For $15, members of Congress will receive a vibrator and an “educational pamphlet,” explains Unbound.

“Concerned citizens nationwide can now send their favorite congressman the vibrator he so obviously needs,” says Elle.com.

Unbound founder Polly Rodriguez–a former staffer for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO)–says she devised the idea after hearing of the many Planned Parenthood closures.

“Until Trump got elected, we’d always thought, ‘It’s the crazies who attack Planned Parenthood,'” she tells Elle.com. “When we actually started to see them move to defund it, I remember feeling all of a sudden like we really need to raise awareness.”

Rodriguez continues the leftwing “war on women” narrative that men are making decisions for women and their bodies.

“[W]hen it’s all white men making these decisions, it’s a really unfortunate situation, and this is what happens,” she says. “It’s crazy to us that the people legislating sexual health and wellness are so far removed from the issues.”

Planned Parenthood and its president Cecile Richards have tweeted similar “war on women” messages:

Rodriguez says she hopes her “Vibes for Congress” campaign will get members of Congress more comfortable with “female sexuality.”

“So many of them could use [a vibrator],” she says, but adds she would especially like to see “Mitch McConnell, first and foremost,” receive one, then “followed closely by Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan.”

However, Rodriguez encourages Planned Parenthood promoters to send vibrators to their favorite members of Congress as well, to thank them for their support of the abortion vendor.

“Send one to Kirsten Gillibrand or Claire McCaskill,” she urges. “It’s a vibrator! It’s a positive thing.”

Planned Parenthood’s own recently released annual report shows its profits, taxpayer funding, and number of abortions performed have all increased over the past year. However, many of the organization’s non-abortion services–such as contraception, cancer screenings, and prenatal services–have decreased over the same period. Nevertheless, Planned Parenthood is advertising itself as a “healthcare provider,” and its president, Cecile Richards, has testified before Congress that, “abortion is healthcare.”