In what is becoming the ultimate “tell” that the globalists are losing ground, Joe Scarborough on Sunday revived his “President Bannon” smear.

“President Bannon’s brilliant strategy of only playing to the base while enraging the rest of America adds up to 36%,” he tweeted.

It is worth noting that the day after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, Scarborough nearly lost his mind by repeating “President Bannon” over and over and over again like a maniac on his program.

Ann Coulter called him out then on his blatant ploy by tweeting: “Scarborough must think @realDonaldTrump is really stupid to fall for this ‘President Bannon’ taunt.”

Scarborough officially announced that he is not a Republican last week, and his latest taunt comes after a recent Axios report indicated that the nationalists in Trump’s White House are getting their ideas heard and becoming more influential.

After unveiling his new metro haircut (only a matter of time before he starts wearing a scarf) and music album, Scarborough made his “dramatic” announcement about leaving the GOP on Stephen Colbert’s show last week, and Scarborough’s former producer, who now produces Colbert’s show, was one of the first to break the “news.” Now, Scarborough is sounding more like someone who wants to revive “Hot Soup,” a “No Labels”-like venture that spectacularly failed.

But what Scarborough does not realize is that Trump’s approval rating has not plummeted and remained relatively steady even though the media have hyped all sorts of “scandals”–Russia, CNN-WWE tweets, “facelift” tweets, etc.–during the past two months.

In addition, all of the polling done on Trump must be taken with a grain of salt because of “social desirability bias”—which means regular voters who do not live in areas where Scarborough’s new hairdo is in fashion do not want to tell oh-so-properly-sounding pollsters that they support Trump because they do not want to be mocked by the smug elites who regularly appear on Scarborough’s program and mistake “sounding smart” for actual knowledge.

And as Scarborough’s colleague Chuck Todd recently noted, Trump’s supporters, especially in today’s fragmented political era, still make up the “biggest faction” in politics.

Yet, Scarborough is suggesting that Trump foolishly seek the approval of the “No Labels”/St. Albans voter—basically Morning Joe‘s core audience—and turn his back on Trump’s most important supporters. In essence, what Scarborough is suggesting is akin to asking Alabama football head coach Nick Saban to run a more “finesse”/Swiss cheese-like defense that resembles Texas Tech’s. Good luck telling Saban, the living legend who grew up in hardscrabble West Virginia, to have his players hit a bit softer and run away from Alabama’s core identity that Saban established after taking over the team a decade ago and weathering disastrous losses to teams like Louisiana-Monroe.

Of course, Scarborough may have his own motivations to push Trump to appease the “No Labels” crowd and his new friends at Harvard. He apparently is the top mouthpiece for the White House’s globalists—the dynamic duo of Gary Cohn and Dina Powell along with Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

According to CNN reporter Brian Stelter, the network’s ace reporter for all things establishment media, Scarborough did not want to make his text messages with Kushner public after Scarborough accused Trump of blackmailing him regarding a story about his relationship with co-host and fiancee Mika Brzezinski that National Enquirer had in the works because Scarborough did not want to “burn” his globalist White House sources.

Scarborough’s “President Bannon” taunt is also an insult to Trump and Bannon.

Keith Koffler, the editor of White House Dossier who is writing a book on Bannon, recently told the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard: “The media have tried to spin a narrative that Trump is Bannon’s puppet, but I’ve found that to be wholly inaccurate.”

“Trump is not the caricature even veteran journalists portray, that of a malleable opportunist. Rather, he possesses longstanding ideas that Bannon shares and helps buttress and develop,” he continued. “Their relationship really is an alliance of two men who have similar instincts and share a vision for the future of the country.”

But that hasn’t stopped Scarborough from reviving his “President Bannon” taunt, which, at this point, just makes him seem like someone who is pounding his fists on the table and throwing a tantrum.