A poll by a conservative Super PAC shows broad support for President Trump’s policies, a counter point to recent polls that show low job approval ratings.

“This poll shows that the American public is not only pleased with the President’s accomplishment to date, but also want to see the rest of his agenda carried out,” Ted Harvey, Chairman of Committee to Defend the President, said when the poll was released last week.

Among the poll’s key findings among likely voters:

56 percent approve of President Trump’s decisions to pick Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court, promote women in science, and sign an executive order that encourages employers to hire American workers and to buy American products, while only 24 percent disapprove.

53 percent support President Trump’s plan to increase national defense and law enforcement spending, while only 32 percent opposed that plan.

43 percent support President Trump’s plan to simplify the tax code by decreasing it from seven tax brackets to just three, while 32 percent oppose that plan.

46 percent support President Trump’s plan to review the country’s free trade agreement like the North American Free Trade Agreement, also known as NAFTA, and others, while 31 percent oppose that plan.

The poll did not ask a question about President Trump’s job approval rating, which, according to the Real Clear Politics Average of Polls is currently at 40.3 percent.

The poll did, however, pose two key questions about the direction of the country:

44 percent said that President Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan have a better vision for America, while 37 percent said Hillary Clinton and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have a better vision for America.

46 percent said they would feel more safe with Donald Trump, considering the terrorist attacks around the world, while 38 percent said they would feel more safe with Hillary Clinton

President Trump’s job approval rating in the Real Clear Politics Average of Polls hit a low of 38.6 percent on June 13, but has moved back up slightly over the past month to 40.3 percent. His current disapproval rating, however, is 55 percent, giving him a negative approval/disapproval rating of 14.7 percent. Alhough an improvement from his 17.4 approval/disapproval rating on June 13, it remains significantly under water.

Recent polls that have focused on specific policies of President Trump, however, appear to confirm the Committee to Defend the President’s top line conclusion that “the American public is not only pleased with the President’s accomplishment to date, but also want to see the rest of his agenda carried out.”

“New polls show that Americans give President Donald Trump high ratings on the economy,” Breitbart News reported on Monday:

A new Bloomberg poll shows that Trump has a 47 percent approval rating on job creation versus 40 percent who disagree and 46 percent approval ratings on the economy versus only 44 percent who disagree.

Under Trump, 58 percent of Americans in the Bloomberg poll believe they’re moving closer to realizing their own career and financial aspirations.

A new ABC poll shows that 43 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the economy, while 41 percent disagree.

Thirty-six percent of respondents were Democrats, 33 percent Republicans, and 31 percent Independents. Seventy-four percent were White, 11 percent were African-American, and 7 percent were Hispanic.

Forty-two percent said they voted for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election of 2016, while 40 percent said they voted for Donald Trump.

The Committee to Defend the President’s poll was conducted by WPAi of 2,697 likely voters between June 25 and June 29 and has a 1.89 percent margin of error.