President Donald Trump said that House and Senate Republicans shouldn’t leave Washington D.C. for their August recess until they have passed something on Obamacare.

“Inaction is not an option, and frankly I don’t think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give people great health care,” Trump said after meeting Senate Republicans for lunch at the White House.

Trump said that Republicans could simply repeal Obamacare but added that the “best” path forward was to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“I think the people of this country need more than a repeal, they need a repeal and replace,” he said.

He again signaled his willingness to sign a plan put forward by Republicans, pointing out that for the first time they could finally fulfill their seven-year promise to American voters.

“I’ve been here six months. I’m ready to act, pen in hand, believe me,” he said. “I’m sitting in that office. I have pen in hand. You never had that before.”

After highlighting skyrocketing premiums across the country, Trump said that Obamacare was a lie from Democrats and former President Obama, who reassured Americans that they could keep their health care plans if they liked them.

“It was a lie, directly from the president,” Trump said. “Twenty eight times, he said it. Twenty-eight times.”