Speaking at a rally with the American Federation of Teachers and other left-wing activists who oppose the House’s plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and the GOP-proposed budget, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the budget’s funding for the U.S. military leads to violence.

Calling it “a terrible, terrible budget,” Pelosi said it would help rich people “at the expense of investments in the future of our children: their health, their education, and their well-being.

It is, she said, “a budget that says we do not measure the strength of our country in the health, education, and well-being of our people,” adding, “We only measure it in military might, and do you know what that does?

“It requires more military might,” Pelosi said. “It takes us down the wrong path.

“We take an oath to protect and defend,” Pelosi said. “Whatever the mission is, whatever we need, as President Kennedy said, ‘Fight any foe.’”

“But that is not the point of this,” Pelosi said, returning to the theme of Republicans promoting violence.

“This is supposed to be a budget that prevents the spread of violence,” she said. “Instead, they have a budget that stirs it up.”

Pelosi said the efforts to fight the Trump administration and the Republicans in Congress on health care, the budget, and other issues “honors the values of our Founders about a country committed to life, a healthier life; committed to liberty, economic and health liberty; to pursue happiness.”

Pelosi thanked the activists at the rally for being patriotic.

“Thank you for your patriotism,” Pelosi said. “Thank you for your activism. Know your power.”

“Agonize, not,” Pelosi said. “Organize, yes.”

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) also spoke at the rally, calling the House budget the “most irrational budget, the most harmful budget, that I have ever seen in the 36 years I’ve been here.”

He told activists to keep fighting “until we win this battle.”