President Donald Trump delivered a rousing speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, celebrating their contributions to their country.

“You are the young people of character and integrity who will serve as leaders of our communities and uphold the sacred values of our nation,” Trump said.

The scouts chanted “We Love Trump” and “U-S-A” as Trump spoke to the energetic crowd.

He noted approvingly that ten members of his cabinet were Boy Scouts, including HHS Secretary Tom Price, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke, and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, who attended the event with the president.

Trump spoke freely about the challenges he faced in his presidency, including the fight to repeal or replace Obamacare.

After recognizing Price, Trump lightly joked that he would fire him if he failed to get the votes.

“It’s time,” he said. “After seven years of saying repeal and replace Obamacare, we have a chance to now do it.”

Trump’s frustration with Washington D.C. was palpable after his short trip aboard Air Force One.

“You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians. and I see the swamp, and it’s not a good place,” he said. “In fact, today I said we ought to change it from the word ‘swamp’ to the word cesspool or perhaps the word sewer, but it’s not good,” he said.

The president returned to familiar themes such as his election victory and the early successes of his administration, pointing to rising job numbers and stock market values.

Some in the crowd even booed his vanquished presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, when he spoke about winning states like Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Trump appeared amazed by the energetic response of the boys in the crowd, accusing the fake news media of refusing to show the crowd-size.

“The fake media will say, ‘President Trump spoke before a small crowd of Boy Scouts today,'” he laughed.