President Donald Trump is reportedly at odds with his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, who is also at odds with other presidential advisers and cabinet members, according to a congressional aide and other unnamed sources.

A congressional source has said that McMaster disagrees with President Trump on many key national security issues, CNN reported on Thursday.

“McMaster has also found himself undercut by others in the President’s orbit like chief strategist Steve Bannon and he has clashed with Defense Secretary James Mattis, according to congressional and administration officials,” CNN reported.

McMaster reportedly has produced a strategy for the future of Afghanistan that has yet to be signed off on by the president. The plan would increase the number of U.S. troops deployed there.

The report also said McMaster could depart from his post for another job in the Trump administration or in the U.S. military, but it added that another unnamed “senior administration official dismissed the notion as premature and not under serious consideration.”

“Bannon’s been undercutting [McMaster] and NSC, but that’s nothing new,” a Republican congressional aide said. “It’s Game of Thrones over there.”

There are also rumors about leadership at the State Department.

Two sources told CNN on Sunday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson could be on the way out, too, amid his own issues with the White House,” despite the State Department’s claim that Tillerson will stay on the job and that his relationship with Trump is “good.”

Mattis is also said to have differences with McMaster over military strategy in Afghanistan, but “Mattis dismissed reports that he and McMaster are at odds, or that McMaster could be on his way out at NSC.”

“We love reading those kinds of stories going — I’m amazed sometimes when I’m having a fight with and everything, somebody I haven’t talked to in two weeks. I’m having a fight with them. It’s good. You know, it keeps us smiling,” Mattis told reporters last week.