There’s one weekly gathering of President Donald Trump’s executive branch that isn’t getting much coverage from the media but it may be one of the most influential — a Bible study.

“I don’t think Donald Trump has figured out that he chained himself to the Apostle Paul,” Ralph Drollinger, the head of Capitol Ministries, joked as he spoke to CBN News about the new study group.

Bible study regulars include Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

“It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life,” Drollinger said. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.

Drollinger, a former NBA player, founded Capitol Ministries “with the idea that if you change the hearts of lawmakers, then their Christian world view will guide them to make good policies,” CBN News reported.

Drollinger has started Bible studies in 40 state capitols and a number of foreign capitols. He also teaches weekly Bible studies for members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.

And now he’s holding one with the executive branch, which Drollinger said has not happened in at least 100 years.

Drollinger said Pence has promised to attend, schedule allowing.

“Mike Pence has uncompromising biblical tenacity and he has a loving tone about him that’s not just a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal,” Drollinger said.

Drollinger said he doesn’t think the spiritual awakening taking place in the White House isn’t just a coincidence.

“I just praise God for them,” Drollinger said. “And I praise God for Mike Pence, who I think with Donald Trump chose great people to lead our nation.”