WASHINGTON, D.C. — Bestselling author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza met with White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon and Deputy Adviser to the President Sebastian Gorka at the White House on Friday.

D’Souza spoke with Breitbart News about the meeting that he and his wife Debbie D’Souza were invited to have with Bannon and Gorka:

My wife and I were invited to the White House to meet with Steve Bannon and Seb Gorka so Debbie, my wife, is an immigrant from Venezuela so she kind of updated them on the situation in Venezuela. Venezuela is a basket case of socialism and policy options for the United States and then I talked to them about themes in [my] book The Big Lie and about how Trump can effectively flip this charge of fascism and show that fascism has always been on the left. And that today it’s the Democrats on the left who are fascists both in ideology and tactics.

Asked further about the focus of the conversation that related to his book The Big Lie, D’Souza continued:

A lot of times when the left savages Trump there’s no direct counter argument. That’s what the book does, it supplies a full length counter argument to this. It doesn’t just say, no we’re not the fascists, you are, it goes into the whole basis of fascism and really reveals secrets about it that are not well known even to educated people.

The meeting took place at 10:30 a.m. and the group took pictures. D’Souza was in town for meetings as well as a speaking engagement at the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) conference. He spoke at the YAF conference on Friday afternoon.

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