Failed Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean attacked Steve Bannon, Breitbart News, and GOP strategist Brian Darling on an MSNBC panel recently, branding 35 million Breitbart readers as “racist.”

Brian Darling, a GOP strategist and Breitbart News contributing columnist, appeared on an MSNBC panel recently where former governor of Vermont and failed Democratic Party presidential candidate Howard Dean attacked White House Policy Adviser Stephen Miller and referred to White House Chief Strategist and former Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon as a “virulent anti-Semite.”

Discussing Bannon, Dean stated in the clip, “He’s a virulent anti-Semite and — as Joy [Reid] pointed out earlier in the clip — has been recognized as somebody who is a major figure in the alt-right. What’s the difference between that and being a Nazi? I don’t know.” Dean continued to say, “these three guys don’t belong in the White House.”

Darling jumped to Bannon’s defense, saying that he personally knew Bannon and Miller and that it was outrageous to accuse either man of holding antisemitic views, “to people calling Steve Bannon a Nazi. I know Steve Bannon, I have actually written three op-eds this year for Breitbart is a conservative website,” said Darling. “Am I a racist for writing for it?” Darling said. Former Bush ethics chief Richard Painter also attacked Darling, saying, “It’s a racist platform and you know it.”

“ is read by 35 million people a month. Are they racist?” asked Darling, Howard Dean was quick to reply, saying, “yup, sure are!” before asking Darling, “how do you excuse what he [Bannon] has said about Jews?” Darling then pointed out that many of Breitbart News’ staff members are Jewish, saying, “you know that Breitbart is run by two Jewish editors over there, if he’s such an antisemite why did he hire [them]?”

Darling then went on to say, “he hired two Jewish editors to run Breitbart so he [Bannon] doesn’t seem that antisemitic to me,” to which Dean replied, “that’s like saying people in the South had black slaves, therefore, they aren’t anti-black, don’t be ridiculous!”

“Yeah but you call him a Nazi, that is outrageous!” said Darling to which Dean replied, “I think he fits the description.”

Watch the full interview below:

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News, covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at