First daughter Ivanka Trump tweeted her praise for the people in the streets of Boston on Saturday, many of them carrying signs insulting President Donald Trump, including one with a photograph of the president, reading, “This is What Hate looks Like.”

“It was beautiful to see thousands of people across the U.S.A. come together today to peacefully denounce bigotry, racism & anti-semitism,” Ivanka Trump wrote on Twitter:

A crowd of an estimated 40,000 “anti-fascist” protesters gathered in Boston to protest a free speech rally that drew a few dozen people.

Police said they arrested 33 on Saturday, mostly for disorderly conduct and assaults on police officers, ABC reported.

ABC also reported police stopped three people with ballistic vests and a gun. “But,” Police Commissioner William Evans said, “We were lucky to get those three out of here and confiscate the vests.”

At a news conference, Evans said that urine-filled bottles were thrown at officers, and police indicated on Twitter that some demonstrators were throwing rocks at police, according to the ABC:

Evans said that “99.9 percent of the people here were for the right reasons — that’s to fight bigotry and hate,” ABC reported above a photograph of a woman holding a sign that said, “No Trump, No KKK, No racist USA.”