The Republican National Committee (RNC) set another fundraising record of $13.4 million throughout the month of July, bringing their total 2017 fundraising effort to an impressive $86.5 million, well above that of their Democrat counterparts.

In a press release, the RNC revealed it had raised $13.4 million in June, the highest ever in a non-presidential election year, and has $47.1 million in available funds. 

This is the third successive month in which a record has been set, after May and June brought in fundraising records of $13.4 million and $10.8 million respectively. 

“The unparalleled network of Republican support continues to be the key to our success,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. “Our efforts to help President Trump and maintain our Republican majorities would not be possible without the generous support of Americans across the country.”

“Financial support for Republican candidates and the Republican agenda continues across the nation at record high levels,” RNC Finance Chairman Steve Wynn added. “These fundraising achievements reflect the continuing desire of Americans for smaller, more efficient government dedicated to the betterment of the lives for Americans of every description, of every color, religion, and political persuasion.”

The increased fundraising effort follows a series of strong electoral performances for the GOP, which now controls all three main branches of government and recorded comfortable wins in strongly contested special elections in GeorgiaMontana, and South Carolina — one in which the Democrats spent a record-breaking $23 million.

The Democratic Party is now facing a potential fundraising crisis, with the RNC raising almost double the amount of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which raised just $38 million over the first six months of 2017. The RNC’s greater success has been attributed to much higher levels of small contributions of under $200.


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