Former deputy assistant to the president Dr. Sebastian Gorka explained his exit from the White House on Breitbart News Saturday this morning, teasing an ambitious joint venture with Breitbart News to “create the platform for a true Jacksonian national foreign policy agenda.”

Speaking to host Matthew Boyle, Gorka explained his exit from the White House, echoing the disappointments relayed in his resignation letter, released in part to the public on Friday. “The President of the United States ran a campaign on a very simple platform,” he explained. “It was like Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan said we are going to rebuild the economy, we’re going to defeat the Soviet Union, and we’re going to make Americans proud to be Americans again.”

“Fix the economy, build the wall, and defeat ISIS: that’s what MAGA is,” he asserted.

Abstaining from delving into what he described as “palace intrigue stuff,” Gorka explained that the reason behind his departure from the White House was concern for the fact that “Unfortunately …  the forces of MAGA … I think have been systematically undermined, many of them fired.”

President Trump’s speech announcing further intervention in Afghanistan without providing a clearly defined victory or estimated timeline to exit the battle theater especially alarmed Gorka.

“That speech was written by people for the president in direct contravention of everything that we voted for November 8,” he asserted. “It is not clear why we are in Afghanistan, it doesn’t explain why were are going to continue potentially spending American lives and American money in that nation. Most importantly, it did not mention once the phrase ‘radical Islam’ or ‘radical Islamic terrorism.'”

“We can be far more effective for the president on the outside and it is a very exciting thing for me and my family supporting the MAGA message as private citizens,” Gorka added.

He also confirmed that he resigned from his position and was not dismissed, as a low-level White House staffer alleged in a communication in which she erroneously described herself as a “senior White House official.” “We expect that from the left,” Gorka lamented.

Gorka appeared optimistic about his future as part of the movement that got President Trump elected. “We are winning and we will continue to do so,” he told host Boyle.

His immediate future, Gorka explained, will involve working to create “the platform for a true Jacksonian national foreign policy agenda.” He confirmed that he will not return to Breitbart News in his previous capacity as foreign policy editor, instead working on a new venture to help those in the “middle” of the national security political spectrum find similar voices.

“The idea that, on the right, you have to choose between being a Cato Institute isolationist, which never works, or being a neo-con Bill Kristol ‘let’s invade everywhere’ neo-con is absurd,” he asserted. “We’re going to fill that vacuum in the middle … breaking the back of the fake conservatives and destroying the left wing attempt at a monopoly of what it means to be American today.”

“I will be working with Steve [Bannon, Breitbart News executive chairman], with you [Boyle], with the Breitbart crew,” he confirmed.

Asked to elaborate on what “Jacksonian” ideals look like, Gorka explained: “We believe that America is special. It’s not just another country, it is that shining light on the hill, it is the most important, greatest embodiment of Judeo-Christian nationhood in the world today.”

“If we see a threat, we will destroy it … we’re going to take down bad guys when they need taking down,” he promised.

Listen to Dr. Gorka’s remarks below: