A recent poll commissioned by Dick Morris shows that Donald Trump “is much more popular than media polls report and his job approval is way higher,” Morris told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.

“It is astonishing how different this data is from any other recent poll,” Morris told Breitbart News.

The poll’s highlights include the following:

  • 48 percent approve of Trump’s performance in office while 50 percent disapprove. Most media polls, by contrast, place the president’s job approval down between 37% and 42%, far lower than the McLaughlin poll.
  • 71 percent support the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate leaks by public officials to the media. 15 percent oppose.
  • 63 percent  support the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate allegations of pay for play between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department under Hillary and Hillary’s use of a private server for her e mails. 27 percent oppose.
  • Only 35 percent feel Trump was involved in Russian meddling in the election. 25 percent believe Russia did meddle but Trump was not involved. And 21 percent feel Russia did not meddle

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted by John McLaughlin and Associates between August 26 and August 30 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.

“It’s like coming in from an alternative reality to read this poll after all the media polls saying Trump is very unpopular, Obamacare is making a comeback, and that voters are worried about Russian meddling,” Morris, the author of Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War Against Donald Trump, tells Breitbart News.

“The reality is that the electorate — as opposed to the random sample of voters and nonvoters that the media is using – largely applaud the job Trump is doing and are getting fed up with the leaks in the investigation of Russian meddling,” he adds.

Morris also noted that the poll indicates there is widespread support for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate leaks by public officials to the media.

“I am pushing personally that there should be a special prosecutor to investigate leaks from the government to the media,” Morris adds. The results of this poll–which show 71 percent support such a special prosecutor–indicate the vast majority of the public share his view, Morris said.

Morris also said those surveyed do not believe President Trump colluded with the Russians to “fix the election.”

“There is widespread belief that Trump did not collude with the Russians to fix the election. There is far more concern out there about the daily leaks from the special prosecutor’s office than there is worry about Russian influence,” Morris said.

In terms of past and future voting behavior, 45.5 percent said they voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election, while 39.9 percent said they voted for Hillary Clinton. On election day, 48.2 percent of all votes cast went to Hillary Clinton, while Donald Trump took 46.1 percent.

Morris told Breitbart News that this is exactly the kind of poll results on this question you would expect to see nine months after the November election. Those who supported the winning candidate would readily recall who they voted for, while some of those who supported the losing candidate would not be eager to remember they backed the loser.

Despite her popular vote margin, Donald Trump easily won an electoral college victory, winning 304 electoral college votes to Hillary Clinton’s 227 electoral college votes. Seven votes were cast by “faithless electors” for other candidates.

Thirty nine percent of respondents completed the online survey on a laptop computer, 32 percent on a desktop, 20.4 percent on a mobile device or cell phone, and 8.1 percent on a tablet.

Demographically, the breakdown was as follows: 71 percent White, 12.1 percent African American, 11.1 percent Hispanic, four percent Asian, and 1.8 percent Other.

Politically, 36 percent were Democrats, 33 pecent Republicans, and 31 percent Independents.

Eighty-one percent of respondents said they used Facebook, 39.1 percent used Twitter, 29.4 percent used Instagram, 28.2 percent used Pinterest, 27.3 percent used Google Plus, 21.6 percent used Linked-In, and 18.6 percent used SnapChat.

You can see the topline summary of the poll, by question asked, below:

National – Monthly Omnibus – 8-28-17 Topline n1000 – DICK MORRIS by Breitbart News on Scribd