Tuesday the Senate Conservatives Fund announced it is supporting former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore in Alabama’s U.S. Senate special election Republican primary runoff on September 26.

SCF President Ken Cuccinelli made the announcement in an open letter, noting the supporters in Alabama and nationwide supported Moore over Strange by an “overwhelming” 97 percent.

“I’m proud to announce the Senate Conservatives Fund’s endorsement of Judge Roy Moore in Alabama’s special election for U.S. Senate,” Cuccinelli wrote. “After collecting feedback from our supporters in Alabama and across the nation last week, an overwhelming 97% said they thought we should endorse Roy Moore in the primary election runoff.”

During the primary, SCF supported Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who came in third behind Moore and Strange in the primary last month. In this round of the campaign, Cuccinelli argued a vote Moore would be a vote against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), whose Senate Leadership Fund has invested heavily in the contest on Strange’s behalf.

“If Roy Moore succeeds in defeating the DC establishment and Mitch McConnell’s political machine, it will boost the campaigns of insurgent candidates across the country!” he wrote. “The outcome of this election will also impact Senator McConnell’s future as the Republican leader in the Senate. Nothing would destabilize McConnell more than losing the Alabama Senate race after spending $8 million to crush conservatives in a state where the GOP majority in the Senate is not at risk!”

Polling still gives an edge to Moore in his matchup against Strange. The Real Clear Politics polling average has Moore up 10 points over Strange. Cuccinelli, however, insists the lead might not be safe given McConnell and his allies’ willingness to spend in attack advertising against Moore.

“Senator Mitch McConnell’s super PAC is spending a whopping $3.6 million on TV ads this month to try to destroy Roy Moore,” Cuccinelli wrote. “For Roy Moore to win, the grassroots must rise up and help him raise the funds he needs to get his message out.”

Moore is facing Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), who was appointed by then-Gov. Robert Bentley (R-AL) earlier this year, for the GOP’s nod and, will face former Clinton U.S. Attorney Doug Jones in the special election on December 12 for the seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.

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