Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Dean Heller (R-NV), and Ron Johnson (R-WI), as well as former Sen. Rick Santorum, revealed at a Capitol Hill press conference on Wednesday their Obamacare legislation–Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson (GCHJ)—to repeal and replace Obamacare through block grants.

The Republican senators urged President Donald Trump, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, and their fellow Senate colleagues to take action on this legislation.

The Graham-Cassidy bill will repeal Obamacare’s individual and employer mandate, Obamacare’s medical device tax, and deliver health care to the states so that local governments can design a more affordable alternative to the Affordable Care Act. GCHJ strengthens the ability for states to waive Obamacare regulation, such as community ratings and essential health benefits. The bill will also allow Americans to use their Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to purchase health insurance and pay for premiums, an idea first sponsored by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“There are three choices: prop up Obamacare, Berniecare, and our bill,” charged Graham. “Bernie, this ends your dream of a single-payer healthcare system.”

“This is the most important thing that I will ever do,” admitted Sen. Graham.

Sen. Cassidy argued that Democrats have not been willing to work with Republicans to make health insurance more affordable for Americans. Cassidy said, “Sen. Tim Kaine wished there would be a better process. I hope there is a hearing; however, there’s been no cooperation from Democrats on this.”

Sen. Johnson argued that under Obamacare, premiums have spiked and that this bill remains the last chance for Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare. “This is our last chance,” said Sen. Johnson. “Wisconsin’s premiums doubled under Obamacare. In many cases, premiums have tripled.”

“Those men and women, the forgotten men, won’t be forgotten under GCHJ,” the Wisconsin Republican senator contended. “For my Republicans colleagues, this is our last shot. Perfect should never be the enemy of the good.”

Republicans have to pass GCHJ before the September 30 deadline; the end of September is the last chance to use budgetary reconciliation to pass an Obamacare repeal bill. Graham said, “I’m urging the White House to call governors and to urge Mitch McConnell to take action. I’m telling the Republican party that we have not tried everything.”

Graham said, “I’m urging the White House to call governors and to urge Mitch McConnell to take action. I’m telling the Republican party that we have not tried everything.”

Sen. Johnson explained that if the Senate Finance Committee remains unwilling to hold a hearing on GCHJ, he will.

“Here’s my challenge to the Republican leadership: act like this matters. I’m not ready to move on. I don’t want this bill to die because we’re tired of dealing with health care,” Graham explained.

“Instead of a Washington-knows-best approach like Obamacare, our legislation empowers those closest to the healthcare needs of their communities to provide solutions,” Sen. Graham said. “Our bill takes money and power out of Washington and gives it back to patients and states. It takes us off the path to single-payer health care – which would be a disaster – and puts us on a path toward local control. Our approach will have better healthcare outcomes, transparency, and sustainability than Obamacare.  This bill fundamentally transforms health care in the United States.”

Santorum described this bill as a solution to health care that governors and lawmakers will present as “a solution outside of Washington.” Santorum believes that the bill will pass through the House and the Senate. Graham has told Breitbart News that President Donald Trump will sign the legislation if it reaches his desk. Currently, the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill serves as the only realistic opportunity to repeal Obamacare.

Sen. Graham and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) both charged that at least 12 governors support the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill. Meadows told reporters that the bill has “real merit.”

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds endorsed the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal plan in exclusive interviews with Breitbart News. Herbert declared that the bill was a “vast improvement over the Affordable Care Act.”

Graham told Breitbart News that this bill “will be the end of single-payer health care because the money and the policy-making will be out of Washington.” He added, “This may be the most important thing that I’ll ever do. If we can take money and power out Washington when it comes to health care, then we can achieve a great feat. Health care that is closest to the patient is the best health care.

“Obamacare continues to collapse, and we have no choice but to address this problem head on,” Sen. Johnson said. “Returning more healthcare decisions to the states and ensuring equal treatment for states like Wisconsin that spend taxpayer dollars wisely will allow local leaders to tailor their healthcare system to the needs of its citizens while maintaining protections for those with high cost and pre-existing conditions.”

Sen. Graham also told Breitbart News that the Obamacare legislation will make it easier to pass a tax reform package.

“To our Republican Senate leadership, help us,” Graham concluded.

Read the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Obamacare repeal legislation here.