The headstone of slain 23-year-old Matthew Denice went up on Thursday as headlines raged about whether a deal will or will not go through between the Trump Administration and Democrats that would give some form of legal status to DACA recipients.

Denice was killed by a drunk illegal alien after being struck, run over, and dragged while alive for a quarter mile, then run over again. The driver’s 4-year-old child was in the drunk perpetrator’s vehicle as the individual took off again down the road, leaving Denice to die.

“I hope someone makes President Trump aware of the fact that I spent my afternoon at the cemetery crying my heart out as I saw my son’s headstone for the first time,” Matthew’s mom Maureen Maloney told this journalist on Thursday.

A Wednesday night dinner meeting at the White House involving President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was followed by a joint statement from Pelosi and Schumer. The statement claimed a deal was forged between the three to quickly make DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) law and provide border security, but no southern border wall. Reports set off like a fire through the media, and by morning Trump was tweeting and refuting that there was any DACA deal solidified that night.

Maloney recalled for Breitbart News on Thursday evening the son that an illegal alien killed and described what it was like to visit her son’s freshly erected headstone on Thursday afternoon.

Maloney said:

Today as the media drama unfolded about President Trump’s DACA deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer I sadly reached another angel mom milestone. My son’s headstone was put up. It’s a milestone no parent should ever see. No parent is ever ready to see their child’s name on a headstone or urn. It’s another stab in the heart, another confirmation that my son is forever gone and we are permanently separated.

My son, Matthew Denice, was 23-years-old and had just graduated from college when he was killed by a drunk, criminal alien who ran through a stop sign and collided with my son on his motorcycle.  Experts and witnesses testified that Matthew survived the initial collision with only abrasions and bruises.  The driver then made the fatal decision to flee and as he did he ran his truck over Matthew and dragged him a ¼ mile to his death as horrified onlookers screamed and pounded on the truck to stop. After the driver ran off the road, Matthew’s body became dislodged from the truck the driver fled he ran over my son a second time.

Matthew was a college graduate with great potential and dreams of his own.  He earned a dual degree in Information Technology and Business Management. He dreamed of combining his Information Technology degree with law enforcement.  After his death, I learned that Matthew would have been hired in the next round of police hiring’s in our hometown of Milford, MA and was posthumously sworn in as a Milford police officer.   Amid my agonizing pain of losing him I was also so very proud of my son.

Matthew loved children and also dreamed of getting married to his girlfriend and having a family. I have not only lost my son, I have lost my future daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Sadly, my happiest days are behind me. I vividly remember the last happiest day of my life. It was the day Matthew graduated from college. My family was all together and Matthew was the first of my children to graduate college. He had worked hard to maintain good grades while working part-time to help pay his tuition so he could graduate debt free. My hairs were standing on end as he walked past me in the procession and up on the stage to receive his degree. There will never be another ‘happiest day of my life’ because Matthew is not here with us.

As an angel mom, I have been relentlessly speaking out and fighting for enforcement of our immigration laws and securement of our borders to prevent innocent Americans from being killed by illegal aliens. I don’t want Matthew’s death to have been in vain.

I hope someone makes President Trump aware of the fact that I spent my afternoon at the cemetery crying my heart out as I saw my son’s headstone for the first time. I pray that President Trump keeps the promises he made to the angel families and puts American’s first.

Then-President Obama instituted DACA through executive order during his time in office, allowing those foreign nationals that were brought to the United States as children to remain in the country and obtain work permits.

Denice’s mom has been pleading with elected officials for greater enforcement of immigration law for many years.

Nine “angel” families, those whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens, spoke out Thursday morning to voice their responses to a possible DACA deal. Maloney was one of those who urged President Trump to remember the promises he made to Americans on the campaign trail.

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