In his “Damn the Torpedoes” column published Wednesday, Mobile, AL weekly newspaper Lagniappe co-publisher and managing editor Rob Holbert excoriated Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) and the Senate Leadership Fund for their effort to brand Strange as something other than a creature of the “swamp.”

According to Holbert, such an endeavor demonstrated a low regard for Alabamians.

“If there’s one thing Luther and the Senate Leadership Fund have made clear, it’s that they truly believe the people of this state are idiots,” he wrote.

Holbert called it “desperate” and was skeptical of Strange’s claims on policy positions, including term limits for members of Congress.

He also said there was little to show how Strange had been able to drain the swamp in Montgomery during his tenure as Alabama attorney general.

“It’s pretty hard to see what Strange did to ‘drain’ the Montgomery swamp. He appears to have mostly just made it made it swampier,” he wrote. “All of the amphibian behavior displayed by Strange is probably why — despite millions poured into the state by the Senate Leadership Fund on his behalf — he trails Moore badly in just about every poll that has been conducted on the race.”

He urged Alabamians to reject the “cynical intervention” from outside groups that he contended Strange received and welcomed to the contest.

Read more here.

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