A gun control activist in Chicago got a gun and justified it by saying her community is too dangerous to live in without one.

The activist–Camiella Williams–got a concealed carry permit too.

According to NPR, Williams grew up living on Chicago’s South Side and was personally impacted by violence at age nine, when she was hit in the head with a brick. She became involved in gang activity, acquired a gun at age 12, and lived violently until she had a son at age 18. At that point she decided to make a change; she moved away from the South Side, got a GED and a college education, and began lobbying the state for Illinois for more gun control.

She also traveled to Washington DC to press members of Congress to pass more gun laws.

And Williams continues to lobby, yet NPR’s Chip Mitchell reports that Williams has two thing most people would not expect a gun control proponent to possess–a gun and a concealed carry permit. Moreover, Williams makes clear she is ready to use her gun if she has too.

She said, “I mean I just know that I would probably retaliate.”

Williams tells the story of how an 18-year-old recently shot her 11-year-old with a BB-gun and she went to the 18-year-old’s house to confront his mother. In that moment Williams said she “seriously considered doing something she counsels others against.” She considered grabbing her gun.

Williams says people who see inconsistency in her campaigning for gun control while owning and carrying a gun do not understand the danger of the neighborhood in which she lives. But Williams misses the fact that this is a very similar argument to those Michael Bloomberg-funded gun controllers make when they campaign for gun control then show up to the Women’s March surrounded by armed protection.

Whether living on Chicago’s South Side, the wealthy suburbs of DC, or Michael Bloomberg’s well-fortified mansion, gun controllers who spend their time benefiting from guns while campaigning against guns for others necessarily lose credibility. This is why Fox News’ Tucker Carlson told a Bloomberg apologist that he will not surrender his guns until Michael Bloomberg does.

Williams obviously sees the benefit of gun ownership. Perhaps she will pivot from gun control and add her voice to the growing number of black women who are taking a stand for gun ownership for self-defense on Chicago’s South Side.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com