House Freedom Caucus chairman, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), joined Breitbart News Sunday live from Alabama to discuss his support of former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.

Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam and Washington Political editor Matt Boyle joined Congressman Meadows for an extended chat on Moore’s Tuesday special primary election showdown with the Chamber of Commerce-endorsed appointed Sen. Luther Strange.

“I know Judge Roy Moore to be not only be a man of character in spite of the tens of millions of dollars that are flowing into Alabama to suggest otherwise,” Meadows said, laying out the case for his chosen candidate.

Later, when Kassam asked Meadows to address that massive flow of funding from establishment sources like the Senate Leadership Fund to Strange, the Freedom Caucus chairman added, “They’re spending more right now than they ever would against a Democrat. … What do they expect in return for their millions of dollars invested? … What they expect is that the Luther Strange voting card will belong to them. He will be bought and paid for.”

Moore, on the other hand, is, in Meadows opinion, the kind of candidate who will not bend to “the Swamp.” He told Kassam and Boyle, “A Judge Moore win really would make sure that the Trump agenda gets implemented,” adding, “There’s all kinds of members of Congress and senators who will run, and they really run so incredibly strong like they have a backbone of steel, but they really have a backbone of a banana. You know, when it’s peeled back, it gets real mushy when they get to Washington, DC. So we need to give them some steel. Judge Roy Moore has a backbone of steel. I’m glad to not only endorse him and support him, but I look forward to serving with him in the coming days.”

Meadows also laid out his case against Luther Strange, whom President Trump has chosen to endorse. He focused, for example, on Strange’s back-and-forth record on eliminating the filibuster for legislation in the Senate, telling Boyle, “Luther Strange has done the infamous flip-flop. I can tell you I was never so mad to see that he signed onto a letter that says we ought to keep the 60 vote filibuster rule in place, that says you gotta have 60 votes in order to move anything in the Senate. That one thing has thwarted the Trump agenda over and over and over again in this first nine months. And yet, he signed onto a letter that said we need to keep it. Well, it was only when he got in a real tough race in this special election did he say, just a few weeks ago, ‘Oh, no. I’m for doing away with the filibuster.’ The American people are smarter than that. I know the people in Alabama are smarter than that. They see it for what it is: a political stunt that he pulled at the last minute in hopes of trying to convince people that he is one of them.”

Meadows closed his appearance by offering his prediction. “Roy Moore is a man of faith. The power of prayer for so many is going up on his behalf right now. I think Tuesday night will be a great victory, due in no small part to the wonderful efforts of all the listeners,” he said before signing off.