President Donald Trump offered full-throated praise for Congressman Lou Barletta and his bid for the U.S. Senate while the president was in Pennsylvania on Wednesday for a speech on reform.

“Lou Barletta is running for the Senate — he’s going to win. You’re going to win big, Lou,” said Trump.

The same night as the tax reform rally, Trump gave an interview to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, during which Trump declared, “We need more Republican Senators” to move the America First agenda forward.

“You have a good one running, Lou!,” said Trump. “Lou Barletta, great guy. He was an incredible Congressman. And I think you are going to have a tremendous surge for Lou Barletta. I think he is going to do a fantastic job.”

Barletta announced his bid for the Senate seat in August. He is running in the 2018 election cycle to replace Democrat Senator Bob Casey in the Senate for the state of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Barletta was an early supporter of Trump and the then candidate’s strong stance on illegal immigration. He previously served as mayor of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, during which time he himself took decisive action against illegal immigration. As mayor Barletta pursued action against businesses that hired illegal workers and landlords who rented to illegal aliens. The Washington Post reported that in July of 2006 Barletta and the city council passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act.

“He caught my attention immediately when he highlighted illegal immigration and the open Southern border,” said Barletta upon his endorsement of Trump according to the Washington Post. Barletta was impressed that Trump didn’t back down and was reminded of his experiences as Hazelton’s mayor. He recalled at the time being “called names, a racist and a bigot.”

“I fought my case all the way to the Supreme Court. Donald Trump will fight his case all the way to the White House,” Barletta said of the endorsement at the time, predicting Trump’s win that ultimately came to fruition.

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