GOP strategist Susan Del Percio said former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s plan to field economic nationalist candidates to oust establishment lawmakers should have the Republican establishment “shaking in their boots.”

In an interview with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity on Monday evening, Bannon, as Breitbart News noted, said he is working with grassroots organizations at the state level to spend “tons of time with candidates to make sure they are fully vetted and able to defeat Democrats after they take on incumbents.”

Del Percio said this week on MTP Daily that establishment Republicans in the past just identified their candidates and hoped that they would win with fundraising and the state operation, but Bannon has “now destroyed” that model.

Steve Kornacki, the very underrated political analyst, pointed out that even when economic nationalist candidates did not have the momentum their movement has now, the “traditional tools of politics” often failed the Republican establishment since the rise of the Tea Party movement.

Sensing Bannon’s threat to the establishment is indeed real, Del Percio urged the establishment to “stand their ground” against the “really aggressive, nasty campaigns” that Bannon the “street fighter” will encourage.