Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines, head pastor at Tampa, Florida’s Glory to Glory Church, is calling on Congress to pass pro-small business tax cuts.

From Florida Politics:

As the founder of G2G Ministries, Inc. just outside Tampa, I know the tremendous value of small businesses. When they succeed, America succeeds. Lower taxes would leave small-business owners with more of their hard-earned money, allowing them to reinvest in their businesses and local communities. They could hire new employees, raise wages and lift millions of people up the career ladder.

This is especially true for America’s minority entrepreneurs and the people they serve. In Florida, there are nearly 930,000 minority-owned businesses, which make up almost half of the state’s small businesses.

Nationwide, their impact is even more profound. According to the most recent data, America is home to 8 million minority-owned businesses. And minority business ownership is on the rise: From 2007 to 2012, minorities increased their share of overall business ownership from 22 percent to nearly 30 percent — an inspiring increase. All in all, minority business owners contribute more than $1 trillion in revenue and 7.2 million jobs.

Our government needs to reward these life-changing entrepreneurs with a tax code that helps them help others, rather than impeding them at every turn. For too long, our nation’s most devoted job creators have been overburdened by the heavy hand of Big Government. When that burden is removed, small-business owners — minorities and others — will guide us to economic prosperity more passionately than ever before. This prosperity will stretch from our inner cities to our farmland and beyond.

Read Bishop Shines’s article in full here.