President Donald Trump welcomed new details about the Obama-era Uranium One deal, calling it a modern age Watergate.

“I think the uranium sale to Russia and the way it was done so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, I actually think that’s Watergate, modern age,” he said to reporters at the White House on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, House Republicans announced an investigation into the deal, approved by the State Department under Hillary Clinton, that gave Russia control over 20 percent of the United States’ supply of uranium.

Trump said the entire Russia investigation of his campaign was misguided but added that it was coming back to hurt Democrats.

“The hoax has turned around, and you look at what’s happened with Russia and you look at the uranium deal and you look at the fake dossier; that’s all turned around,” he said.

Trump has spoken about the Uranium One investigation before, pointing it out to reporters on Twitter.

“Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn’t want to follow!” he wrote last week:

Clinton has denied any wrongdoing in the Uranium One deal, calling the scandal “baloney” and “debunked.”