President Donald Trump praised the tax bill released by House Republicans, calling it a “historic” moment for American families and urged Congress to pass it by Christmas.

“We are giving them a big beautiful Christmas present in the form of a tremendous tax cut,” Trump said on Thursday at the White House. “It will be the biggest cut in the history of our country.”

Trump met with Speaker Paul Ryan and members of the House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday afternoon, clearly pleased that the process for the bill was underway.

Congressional Republicans have also signaled hope for a quick turn-around of the tax bill, however, most observers are skeptical that it can pass the Senate on such a short time-table. Speaker Paul Ryan wants the bill passed out of the House of Representatives by Thanksgiving.

But Trump said that was “great spirit and popularity” for the plan around the country, and encouraged them to work quickly.

He praised the simplicity of the plan, especially after Ryan and Brady showed him a sample postcard-sized tax return for the average American family.

“Great job, thank you very much!” Trump said. “I didn’t know I was going to be given a prop.”

Trump said that planned tax cuts would help restore the competitive business climate in the United States by reducing business taxes and simplifying the tax code.

“We will bring back trillions and trillions of dollars that’s now parked overseas, so that money can be put to work rebuilding the United States of America as opposed to building other parts of the world,” he said.