Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Romney McDaniel said that every Democrat should denounce the “sickening” Latino Victory Fund ad.

Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs asked McDaniel, “That ad is one of the most sickening things. It was put out, by the way, fronted by Eva Longoria, the Latino Victory ad, do we have that ad here? … The fact of the matter is that she is fronting an ad that is just despicable, showing people trying to run down young, apparently young Hispanics, running from these folks, portrayed as the followers of Ed Gillespie. It is one of the nastiest things I’ve ever seen, Ronna.”

McDaniel responded, “It’s despicable, and the fact that Ralph Northam, the candidate for governor in Virginia refuses to denounce this, every Democrat should be denouncing this ad, to see a person in a truck with a Gillespie sticker trying to run down little children. It feeds the worst of our country in terms of hate and division, and fear, and if Democrats are going to play on this, they are looking for a bad 2018, because I think Americans will reject that type of message, and rhetoric.”

The Latino Victory ran a controversial that featured an Ed Gillespie supporter attempting to run down minority children. The Ed Gillespie campaign decried this ad as “disgusting” and an “attack on the people of Virginia.”

The Latino Victory Fund pulled their ad amidst a terrorist attack in New York City that featured a man running several people over with a truck and reportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam has yet to denounce the Latino Victory Fund ad.

Javier Gamboa, the Hispanic media director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), endorsed the ad in a tweet on Monday, stating, “Powerful ad from @latinovictoryus.”

The Washington Post editorial board slammed the Latino Victory Fund’s “vile” and “despicable” ad and chided the Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam for calling out that ad.

A Washington Post report revealed that the Latino Victory Fund created their controversial ad to spur minority support for Northam amidst internal polling that revealed low minority support for the Democratic gubernatorial candidate.

Ed Gillespie campaign manager Chris Leavitt slammed the Latino Victory Fund’s ad.

“This is not an attack on Ed Gillespie anymore,” said Chris Leavitt. “This is an all-out attack on the people of Virginia. This latest ad gives a clear indication of just what Ralph Northam and his national Democratic allies think of all of us, and it’s sickening.”