WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon declared to a passionate room full of immigration activists on Saturday that the sovereignty of the United States has been the central issue of the 2016 presidential election, of fights on Capitol Hill, and within the Republican Party.

Bannon took the crowd gathered for the Remembrance Project event back through several points of the 2016 election, such as then-candidate Donald Trump’s trip to Mexico to meet with the Mexican President about immigration, and the subsequent visit to Phoenix, Arizona, meeting with Angel moms and holding a rally.

Bannon said people remember that the biggest fight in the Republican Party and on Capitol Hill hasn’t been taxes, Obamacare, or Afghanistan, “It’s been the central issue of the sovereignty of our country.”

“It was the stories and putting the faces to these stories to the American people that was the key that picked the lock for President Trump’s victory,” said Bannon.

He went on to list the names of about a dozen Americans, many merely in their teens, who have been the victims of violent crime by illegal aliens in the United States. At Bannon’s request, the crowd then applauded and rose to their feet to honor these fallen Americans.

He asked the crowd why illegal aliens are called “DREAMers” rather than these Americans who won’t get to live out their dreams.

“This is not some random law of the universe,” said Bannon. He called out the “economic, the political, and the media elites,” for allowing this to happen, for wanting it to happen, calling their actions “an act of commission.” He called out the corporations that want cheap labor and the progressives who want “cheap votes.”

Bannon called out the suppression of information on illegal immigration and the stories of those killed by illegal aliens. “Why was this suppressed?” He called out 60 Minutes, NBC, and CNN for going around the world to show everything wrong with America but ignoring those victimized by illegal immigration. He pinpointed the issue of whom the victims are: “Hispanic and black and Asian and white working class men and women, the backbone of this country.”

He spoke of the contempt of elites for those in the room, crediting the efforts of those at the event, a “handful of journalists,” and Donald J. Trump for shining a light on the issue of illegal immigration.

Bannon went on to emphasize that for the political elites, “The only business they’re in is the business of getting re-elected.” He spoke also of Trump’s 10-point plan on immigration.

He pointed to the ouster of Eric Cantor, a member of the Republican leadership, by someone with far less money who talked about the problem of illegal immigration. He then turned to talk of the Virginia governor’s race being held in just a few days and the 2018 elections. Bannon stressed the importance of Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie talking about issues like illegal immigration if he wants to get Trump voters to turn out to help him win the election.

Bannon told the crowd that the elites hold them in contempt and are willing to hide information for their own money and power.

He called out House Speaker Paul Ryan and warned of the trouble to come in those 2018 elections if Ryan tries to slip amnesty through.

“It’s obvious to everybody that we’re going to have to take over the Republican Party,” said Bannon. They can “go the easy way or the hard way, but they’re goin’.”

He spoke of the mountains of money the Republican establishment uses to try to win elections, like in Alabama, where Judge Roy Moore beat the establishment candidate. Bannon pointed out that now “the more money they spend the fewer votes they get.” He added, “We’ve turned their greatest asset, their money, into their greatest liability.” He said that candidates are no longer seeking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement but are now “running from it.”

Bannon said that Trump is on track to be one of the greatest presidents, like Reagan, Lincoln, or Jackson, but he has to “just stick to the plan.”

He told the crowd that the fight in 2018 is going to be so “nasty,” but he’s glad to be on their side. He told them that they represent the 12-13 generations of working class, middle-class people. Referencing Trump’s 2016 election wins in Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Missouri, Bannon told the crowd that the Majority Leader owes his position to them.

Bannon closed with a warning, saying, “you’ve got tough days ahead of you” but with encouragement to “hang in there and fight.”

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