New York Times bestselling author and conservative columnist Ann Coulter says Ed Gillespie would have won the Virginia governor’s race against Ralph Northam if his “pals” George W. Bush and Haley Barbour “had been a little less enthusiastic about open borders.”

Coulter took to Twitter Tuesday, noting that if illegal immigration had been ended and mass legal immigration had been reduced under the Bush administration, Gillespie would have won the governor’s election, as the demographics of the state would have been in his favor.

Coulter said mass immigration — where the United States admits more than 1.5 legal and illegal immigrants a year — is responsible for Gillespie’s loss, saying the voting demographics in Virginia, because of immigration, greatly favor Democrats.

In the midst of the Virginia governor’s race, Bush, an ally of Gillespie, attacked Americans who want to see the end of illegal immigration and legal immigration levels reduced in order to raise wages for U.S. workers.

“We cannot wish globalism away,” Bush said last month.

“We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, and forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,”  he lamented.

Likewise, George H.W. Bush attacked Trump in his book, calling him a “blowhard” and saying “I don’t like him.”

Meanwhile, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon had a few words for the globalist, pro-immigration Bush dynasty following their attacks on Trump and his America First immigration agenda.

“You want to know why I detest the elites of the Republican Party,” Bannon said. “Where were they? Where is Jeb Bush? Where were all these guys? Bush… Bush… Old man Bush – and the son today got a book out, you know. ‘The demise of the Republican Party, this Republican Party is falling apart. Donald Trump’s destroyed the Republican Party.’ You know why? Because finally folks like you have a say-so.”

“While’s he’s up in Kennebunkport or wherever they are. You know the other guy down there pretending he’s a Texan. You can’t take a brahmin Yankee from Yale and take him down to Texas to make a cowboy out of him,” Bannon said. “I don’t care how long you wear the boots, brother. You’re a Yankee brahmin, okay.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated.