I had the privilege of attending the Today Show Town Hall on November 13, where former Vice President Joe Biden was a guest.  Among the selective audience, I was amid the few chosen to ask a question.

I invited Mr. Biden to justify his perspective on gun control in light of the fact that the Texas church shooter was stopped by a legally licensed gun owner.

The former Vice President gave an answer which was representative of a quintessential career politician.  He placed blame on the hero of this tragedy, rather than the murderer who gunned down over two dozen innocent churchgoers.  Not only did he fault the good Samaritan for owning such an AR-15, he actually used the town hall as a platform to tout his past gun legislation, which restricted Second Amendment rights.  This is true political irony at its finest.

​Statements such as this are precisely what is wrong with the liberal left and most office holders in the Democratic Party.  Rather than addressing the actual issue, they marginalize law abiding citizens simply to further their agenda.  The Democratic Party unfortunately uses events such as the Texas and Las Vegas massacres as motives to advance their policy aims, which is nothing more than greater government control of its citizens.

Joe Biden slamming the hero of the Texas massacre was not a first for Democratic leadership. Hillary Clinton did just the same the morning after the Las Vegas shooting when she tweeted, “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”  And they consider themselves to be the party of the people?  I believe they are the party of a select, chosen few.

​​Democrats have mastered the manipulation strategy of deceiving their base into believing the false narratives they promote.  This is true especially in cases regarding the Second Amendment.  The Constitution holds, “The right of people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”  For strict constitutionalists, such as myself, there is no debate. However, liberals spew false interpretations of this amendment in order create a shift of power toward the government.  Such nomination of authority warrants a possible totalitarian state.  Democrats fail to understand that this view is a breach of our rights as U.S. citizens.

The failure of elected leaders to answer simple policy questions should warrant extreme concern among the Democrat Party and its followers.  Leaders like Joe Biden should be better than this, and it is for this reason that we need to continue the fight to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans.  It is now more significant than ever before.

Brianna Morello is a political science major, a member of College Republicans, and a guest columnist for “Down Range with AWR Hawkins.”