Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) endorsed Montana state auditor and rancher Matt Rosendale to challenge incumbent Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) in the 2018 Senate midterm election.

“I’m honored to have earned the support of Senator Mike Lee. I will stand with Mike Lee in the Senate as a fellow westerner and as a strong, principled defender of the Constitution,” Rosendale said.

Mike Lee highlighted Matt Rosendale’s strong commitment to the Constitution and his opposition to an intrusive federal government.

“I’m thrilled to endorse Matt Rosendale for Senate. Matt’s a true Montana conservative. We need his courage, his leadership, and his no-nonsense approach now more than ever in the Senate,” Lee argued.

Sen. Cruz said in a statement, “Matt Rosendale has fought hard to shrink government and preserve liberty for Montana residents, during his time in the state legislature and more recently as a state auditor. It’s time to let Matt take that fight to Washington, we need strong conservative reinforcements in the Senate.”

Over 30 Montana elected officials and several prominent conservative groups endorsed Matt Rosendale for U.S. Senate, said Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement endorsing Rosendale:

Matt Rosendale is the kind of economic conservative we need in Washington today, and the Club for Growth PAC is proud to endorse him for U.S. Senate. Matt understands the importance of limited government and advances pro-growth economic policies.  His record in Montana of supporting lower taxes and opposing Medicaid expansion demonstrates his commitment to economic freedom, and Club for Growth PAC looks forward to Matt bringing conservative principles to Washington as the next senator from the great state of Montana.

The Senate Conservatives Fund endorsed Rosendale in a statement, saying:

That’s why we need to replace Jon Tester with Matt Rosendale, a proven conservative who will fight for our principles and values. Matt is a rancher, a businessman, and a proven leader. He led the fight against Medicaid expansion in Montana, he fought to stop pork-barrel projects in the state, and he stood up to his own party to protect private property rights from eminent domain.

The Great America Alliance, a prominent pro-Donald Trump super PAC, also endorsed endorsed Matt Rosendale for U.S. Senate.

“As a legislator and now as the State Auditor, I’ve always done what I’ve said I was going to do,” Rosendale charged. “People know that I mean business and will get the job done in the U.S Senate.”