Former White House Chief Strategist on Monday blasted the “uniparty” in Washington, DC and the “permanent political class” that think America’s decline is inevitable and simply want to manage it against China and the rest of the world because they can “make just as much money on the way down as they did on the way up.”

Campaigning for Judge Roy Moore in Alabama, Bannon said the “deplorables”—the working men and women in this country—will not stand for that because they understand that this fight is “not just about future generations,” but “the generations that got us here.”

“Think of the back-breaking labor, think of what went into building this country,” said Bannon, who comes from a blue-collar family in Richmond, Virginia, and whose father was a telephone company lineman for AT&T

“Are you prepared to give up and let these elites take it and give it away? Bannon asked. The crowd resounding answered, “No!”

“That’s the power that elected Donald Trump. That’s the power that’s going to elect Roy Moore tomorrow,” Bannon said. “That’s the power they fear. Properly harnessed, it’s the greatest power on this earth.”

Bannon hammered home the same themes last week in Alabama when he eviscerated those in the Republican and Democratic establishments “think America is in decline” and are “comfortable managing that decline.”

He said Trump won the presidency because “the silent majority and the deplorables will not accept America’s decline” and are “gonna fight tooth and nail” to restore America’s greatness.

Bannon said working men and women in places like Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Alabama in 2016 “rejected” the notion that America’s decline is inevitable and needed to be managed as other nations like China become greater superpowers.

Bannon has ringing the alarm bells about the economic threat that China poses and how America cannot give up its economic superpower status to China.

“The economic war with China is everything. And we have to be maniacally focused on that,” Bannon has said. “If we continue to lose it, we’re five years away, I think, ten years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we’ll never be able to recover.”

Bannon added last week that “cowards” like establishment Republican Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and his band of globalists have never understood working-class Americans. And that is why Bannon said they “will never have your back”  and only ask for votes from working-class Americans so they can “keep their power, make their money.”

He said these “cowards” in D.C. support trade deals that screw over Americans, refuse to enforce immigration laws, do not care about the late Kate Steinle, and commit economic hate crimes against working-class Americans of all backgrounds—black, white, Hispanic, and Asian.

Bannon said that elites often ask why he and working-class Americans are so angry about the “global project” that only benefits multi-nationalist corporatists and those in the so-called Party of Davos who, according to Bannon, can make as much on the way down as they did on the way up.

“[Because] if you’re rational and have a brain, you have to be angry,” he explained to the media elites who are removed from reality.

Bannon said the “policies of the globalist elites” have “helped gut this country” while the children of American working men and women get sent to foreign nations to give globalists their “security guarantee.” He echoed the same themes on Tuesday evening, saying the sons and daughters of working-class Americans are sent all over the world to protect the interests of the globalists.

He said there are “too many people who have gamed the system” where America is “upside down on every trade deal” while putting in trillions to support a system designed to often put America’s interests last.

Bannon has forcefully argued that economic nationalism is the unifying force that will bring together Americans of all backgrounds, and a comprehensive Public Religion Research Institute 2017 American Values Survey shows that Bannon is correct. The study found that 60% of Americans agreed with the statement, “In the past, America’s leaders have been too focused on helping other nations at the expense of our own country.”

The survey also found that Americans across all racial lines believe its leaders are not putting America first. Sixty-two percent of whites, 60 percent of blacks, and 57 percent of Hispanics agreed that “American leaders have been too focused on helping other nations in the past.”

Bannon once again tried to educate the dimwits in the legacy media about economic nationalism, calling out their attempts to smear economic nationalism as “ethno-nationalism.”

“Here’s what [economic nationalism] cares about—that you are a citizen of the greatest country on earth, the United States of America,” Bannon said in Alabama. “Economic nationalism doesn’t care about your race, your color, your ethnicity, your religion, or your sexual preference.”