New York Magazine’s Ed Kilgore looks at the fall of the Never Trump movement one year later.

From NY Magazine:

The #NeverTrump Republicans, who were a formidable force in 2016, even after the mogul became the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, are a much-reduced group now. And those who have not either reconciled themselves to the 45th president or resolved to support Democrats (at least until Trump is deposed from leadership of the GOP) have a very bleak future.

Kilgore specifically addresses “one of the most resolute #NeverTrumpers” and “ultrapartisan writer” Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post and her call for a 2020 Never Trump presidential candidate:

No, a “center-right” third/independent ticket in 2020 is not a lively prospect. If Jennifer Rubin doesn’t want to participate in what even she regards as a kamikaze mission to take back her old party, she needs to suck it up and join the other one. That’s the only alternative to just consigning herself like so many other #NeverTrumpers to the political margins, making acerbic comments from the sidelines while the real game is played by Republicans and Democrats.

Read the rest of the article here.