The Planned Parenthood 2016-2017 annual report shows that it continues to perform over 320,000 abortions per year while offering no mammograms and minimal prenatal services to pregnant women.

Despite what its president Cecile Richards referred to as a “tough year,” Planned Parenthood boosted its profits by $21 million – 27 percent – from last year as the group also took in nearly $544 million in taxpayer funding.

Planned Parenthood considers itself to be the leader of the pack when it comes to contraception, yet the organization’s birth control services continued to drop in the past year to 2,701,866 – almost four percent – since its 2015-2016 report when it clocked 2,808,815 contraception services. This number was down from 2,945,059 in 2014-2015.

Similarly, the group has touted its prenatal and maternity care, though the past year’s annual report shows the number of prenatal services once again dropping – this year to 7,762 – a 17 percent decline from the 9,419 performed the year before. In 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood claimed 17,419 prenatal services performed.

Former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson, who now runs And Then There Were None, which helps abortion workers leave the industry, said the group’s annual report “demonstrates that Planned Parenthood is not a healthcare organization but a political movement, intent on forcing their pro-abortion views on as many Americans as possible.”

“Yet, there is hope that they will not succeed because we’ve seen first-hand the impact that former abortion workers, especially those from Planned Parenthood, have on closing their former places of employment by helping people to leave – ensuring no one is left to run the clinics,” Johnson added. “One of our former Planned Parenthood workers left her job and took seven of her former co-workers with her.”

While Planned Parenthood performed 3,677,503 sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests, and 706,903 HIV tests over the past year, the organization performs no mammograms but lists 336,614 manual “breast exams.”

America’s largest provider of abortions claims in its annual report to be on the cutting edge of women’s health care services:

As we enter our 101st year, providing access to expert health care and education remains at the center of what we do. We continue to drive innovations in health care delivery by leveraging new technology to get patients the care and information they need to live healthy lives and build the futures they want.

“Innovations” touted by Planned Parenthood include over one million appointments that were booked at its clinics online this past year, a “gender neutral” app that helps individuals keep track of their menstrual periods and birth control, and the fact that its affiliates in 17 states now offer hormone treatments for transgender individuals who are uncomfortable with their biological sex.

Not all was happy last year for the organization, however, as Planned Parenthood notes it is facing a “hostile administration” in Washington.

After years of enjoying its political clout with establishment politicians and the liberal media, the abortion giant now faces possible elimination of its taxpayer funds following years of scandals, including Medicaid fraud, allegations of child sex abuse cover-up, and, most recently, alleged profiteering from the sale of body parts of babies aborted in its clinics.

The U.S. Department of Justice recently launched a formal investigation into Planned Parenthood over its alleged sale of the body parts of babies aborted in its clinics for a profit.

“Every day, Congress and the Trump administration push policies that undermine people’s ability to get the care they need to have fulfilling lives,” Planned Parenthood laments. “We’ve witnessed relentless efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and block millions of people from accessing care at Planned Parenthood health centers.”

Though many progressives denied the Women’s March in Washington was focused on abortion rights, Planned Parenthood admits in its annual report that it has been a “driving force” of the Trump resistance movement.

“After the largest demonstration in history, we built strong partnerships with organizations and other resistance leaders,” the group notes.

In its annual report, Planned Parenthood also touts its alliance with both the entertainment and tech industries, as well as the launch of 50 new Planned Parenthood Generation Action college campus chapters.

Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America, however, said in a statement sent to Breitbart News: “Consider that while Planned Parenthood started 50 new campus groups, according to their report, Students for Life started nearly 120 last year, and now has more than 1,200 student groups on campuses in all 50 states.”

“Planned Parenthood reports training 750 young activists from 11 cities while Students for Life trained nearly 11,000 students from across the country,” Hawkins added. “The pro-life generation clearly has more energy, passion, and motivation to defund Planned Parenthood.”