Planned Parenthood has joined the cause of celebrating the female actors who claim to have been sexually harassed, often as a condition for obtaining major acting roles.

During the Golden Globe Awards Sunday night, Planned Parenthood and abortion industry political lobbyist NARAL joined in on the hashtags #MeToo and #TimesUp to celebrate the cause. The abortion industry is also keeping track of celebrity men who have not spoken up about alleged sexual abuse:

A very short while ago, however, Planned Parenthood accepted support from disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein was a vocal supporter of the feminist organization. The producer attended the group’s 100th-anniversary gala fundraiser in May and sat at a table with Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and female celebrities.

Writing at New York magazine’s The Cut, Rebecca Traister noted:

I saw Harvey Weinstein earlier this year, at a Planned Parenthood celebration. I was struck by the fact that he was there — as the Times details, he has remained a donor to and supporter of liberal organizations, women’s-rights organizations, and Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, whose daughter recently worked as his intern.

Weinstein had also pledged $100,000 for a painting at the gala’s charity auction, which featured Clinton as a speaker.

As soon as the allegations against Weinstein came pouring in, however, Planned Parenthood announced the mogul’s pledge “went unfulfilled.”

“Harvey Weinstein is not and has never been a donor to Planned Parenthood Federation of America,” a Planned Parenthood Federation of America spokesperson told Breitbart News. “The $100,000 pledge referenced went unfulfilled.”

However, in 2015, when Weinstein’s company released the “documentary” The Hunting Ground — a film that helped to spread the false statistic that “one in five” women in college are sexually assaulted — Wendy McElroy, writing at the Daily Bell, observed, “The Hunting Ground offers a rare glimpse into what may be a subtle ‘other financial benefit.’”

McElroy noted the call for “donations” at the end of Weinstein’s “documentary”:

After heart-breaking and rapid-fire accounts of rape on campus, which offer no mitigating perspective, viewers are exhorted to “Take Action!” The “Take Action” button on the left-hand side of “The Hunting Ground” website takes a visitor to a page that reads, “Donate. THE HUNTING GROUND is proud to partner with NEO Philanthropy to ensure that your tax-deductible donation supports student-led campaigns, public education, policy reform, and prevention approaches.”

As she explains, NEO Philanthropy describes itself as a “transformative” foundation.

“We lead large-scale collaborative grantmaking funds on a range of social justice issues … to seek transformative social change,” the group boasts.

NEO provides a list of social justice activist groups that are recipients of its grants, and one of those is Planned Parenthood. In its 2012 IRS filing — NEO reported Planned Parenthood received $125,000. The 2014 filing shows grants totaling $185,145, and the 2015 filing — the latest available on the website — indicates a total of $168,500 in grants to the abortion business and its affiliates. Donations to NEO as a result of The Hunting Ground film could have benefited Planned Parenthood.

Through Weinstein’s The Hunting Ground project, Planned Parenthood was further plugged as a safe place for young women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted on campus. Feminist groups promoted a “toolkit” that accompanied the “documentary” for groups that wanted to host a screening of the film. Organizers of the screenings were urged to “be sensitive” to “survivors” of sexual assault for whom the film might “trigger traumatic memories.”

“If you sense that a survivor needs additional support, call the appropriate campus resource or contact a national hotline,” the toolkit advised, naming “National Planned Parenthood Hotline” as a resource.

Who knew about Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct? Some are speculating that Oprah Winfrey knew:

In a lengthy Facebook post in October, Hollywood screenwriter Scott Rosenberg wrote that “everybody” knew:

“And let me tell you one thing,” he posted. “Let’s be perfectly clear about one thing: Everybody-f**king-knew.”

Rosenberg continued:

There was nothing secret about this voracious rapacity; like a gluttonous ogre out of the Brothers Grimm.

All couched in vague promises of potential movie roles.
(and, it should be noted: there were many who actually succumbed to his bulky charms. Willingly. Which surely must have only impelled him to cast his fetid net even wider).

“Everyone” in Hollywood may have known about Weinstein’s alleged sexual conquests, just as “everyone” knew he openly supported feminist groups such as Planned Parenthood.

The abortion business is well connected to Hollywood and celebrities, as it announced in its 2016-2017 annual report.

“Entertainment stands with Planned Parenthood,” touts the organization, adding its gratitude to “a group of high-profile musicians, artists, writers, comedians, and thought leaders” who contributed this year to “7-inches for Planned Parenthood.” The report describes the event as “a curated benefit project made up of seven-inch vinyl records and digital downloads of original content.”

Despite threats of its defunding due to a Republican-led Congress and a Republican president, Planned Parenthood remains funded not only by taxpayers but also by a sizeable income from celebrity donations.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards referred to 2016-2017 as a “tough year,” even though the group boosted its profits by $21 million — 27 percent — from last year as it also took in nearly $544 million in taxpayer funding.

Actress Rose McGowan — one of the first to accuse Weinstein of sexual abuse — referred to the parade of women in black dresses at the Golden Globes as “Hollywood fakery.” She tweeted that “none of those fancy people wearing black to honor our rapes would have lifted a finger had it not been so.”

Still, Planned Parenthood is touting #MeToo and #TimesUp.

Planned Parenthood did not respond to a request for comment by Breitbart News about its donations through The Hunting Ground project.