Danny Tarkanian, an anti-establishment Republican candidate running for the U.S. Senate in Nevada, slammed his primary opponent Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) on Breitbart News Saturday SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125, revealing that Heller “said he would do anything to get DACA passed.”

Breitbart News Saturday host and Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle asked Tarkanian about the Democrats’ government shutdown, in which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tried to force Republicans to include a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal amnesty in the stop-gap spending bill that failed Friday night.

Tarkanian responded:

This is what makes across our country sick and tried of career, establishment politicans. Because they play politics with people’s lives.

It wasn’t too long ago in 2013 when the shoes were reversed and the Republicans were threatening to shut down the government and Schumer was one of the biggest advocates arguing against shutting the government down. You should pass the budget and not add additional riders.

Tarkanian then elaborated on some of his immigration priorities, which include eliminating the diversity visa. He added that any potential DACA deal would not include citizenship for illegal aliens:

Why do we have chain migration coming into our country ahead of all those who are waiting in line? I would get rid of chain migration for the immediate family. I would get rid of the lottery system, it’s ridiculous. Wouldn’t you want people coming into our country who can contribute and make it a better place?

I wouldn’t grant citizenship to people who came here illegally. You can discuss legal residency. I would not vote for citizenship.

Boyle then noted Sen. Heller has remained remarkably silent about the government spending battle.

Boyle remarked, “We haven’t heard from Sen. Heller about this. Senators are supposed to lead on issues like this. We have seen this from senators such as Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA) over the course of this fight.”

Tarkanian then charged:

Dean Heller came out a month ago and said he would vote for a clean DACA bill, with nothing required on it. He said he would do anything to get DACA passed. The reason he’s voting for these things now is because he’s seen the polls. I’m beating him in the polls, even though he spent a million dollars in December, and January from third-party PACs.

He always changes his position to whatever helps him get elected. 

Tarkanian then continued, arguing that he will fight for President Trump’s America First agenda:

I’m a supporter of President Trump and America First policies. I believe the people will vote Republican next November because of how well the economy is doing, and they feel safer.

Dean Heller is the opposite, he said that he vehemently opposes our nominee. He said, ‘Let me be very, very clear I do not support Donald Trump.’ They came out and voted against the repeal of Obamacare. He doesn’t support President Trump and America First policies.

Tarkanian concluded, “I will make you proud as a U.S. Senator.”