President Donald Trump celebrated the decision by Democrats in the Senate to end the government shutdown and pass a continuing resolution to fund the government.

“I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders, and insurance for vulnerable children,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House.

Trump said that now the government was reopened he would continue working for an immigration bill, but only if Democrats agreed to his terms.

“We will make a long-term deal on immigration if, and only if, it is good for our country,” he said.

The president is expected to sign a continuing resolution quickly on Monday after the House of Representatives concludes the final vote.

During the Democrat-driven shutdown, Trump refused to negotiate with them on DACA or any other immigration policies, forcing them to reassess their strategy. The government shutdown only lasted three days before 27 Senate Democrats changed their votes in the Monday afternoon vote. The final vote in the Senate was 81-18.

The White House revealed that Trump met with Senate Republicans to discuss “responsible” immigration reform after the Senate voted to fund the government.

Senator Lindsey Graham and Sen. Jeff Flake were not included and no Democrat senators were invited.