Press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters in Wednesday’s briefing that the White House will release an immigration deal bill framework on Monday.

“Last fall the White House sent Congress a list of the core reforms necessary to fix our immigration system,” said Sanders. The list was compiled in considering talks on the issue with frontline law enforcement officers and career public servants.

Sanders pointed to dozens of meetings since that list was sent – meetings to discuss the reforms and find a “bipartisan path forward” with Republican and Democrat leadership and rank and file members of the House and Senate. Those negotiations are the basis of a new legislative framework that the White House has assembled and will release on Monday.

This framework “represents a compromise that members of both parties can support,” said Sanders, adding they will encourage the Senate to bring it to the floor. “This framework will fulfill the four agreed upon pillars: securing the border and closing legal loopholes, ending extended family chain migration, canceling the visa lottery, and providing a permanent solution on DACA.”

President Donald Trump himself has been repeatedly emphatic that any deal on DACA recipients must include an end to the visa lottery, end to chain migration, and funding for border security including his signature campaign promise for a southern border wall.

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