President Donald Trump defended his decision to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, arguing that it was about attracting business investment in the United States.

“When I decided to come to Davos, I didn’t think in terms of elitist or globalist. I thought in terms of lots of people that want to invest lots of money,” Trump said in an interview with CNBC on Thursday.

Trump said he noticed that after he announced his decision to attend the World Economic Forum, the news coverage focused on globalists, the economic elite, and the private planes.

“It’s not about that,” he said. “It’s about coming to America, investing your money, creating jobs, companies coming in.”

Trump boasted that companies like Apple and its CEO Tim Cook announced big investments into the United States again.

“You remember my campaign. I used to say I won’t consider this great unless Apple comes in,” he said. “But so many companies are coming in.”

The president hosted a reception with about a dozen business leaders from big companies like Adidas, Nokia, Anheuser-Busch, and Volvo, touting the great benefits of his tax plan to bring more business back to the United States.