At a press conference before the President’s State of the Union speech, Nancy Pelosi said my request to enforce federal law was “outside the circle of decency in terms of members of Congress.” Man that is rich.

But it makes sense. Today we have men who say they are really women. We have multi-millionaire athletes complaining about how bad our country is. We have school teachers claiming our military is made up of low IQ bad people.

So it makes sense in a world of indecency and hypocrisy that my request to enforce the law is “indecent.” It makes sense that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Jeff Flake work harder for non-citizens then citizens and taxpayers. It makes sense that, pointing out that a country with no borders is not a country, makes me an “indecent” xenophobe.

I’ll continue to fight for our nation. Our borders. Our security. I’ll stand with the taxpayers and those who honor our laws. I’ll happily be chastised by the immoral leftists who despise our great nation and our laws.

What is truly indecent is an open violation of our laws in the sanctity of our nation’s Capitol. Corruption and poverty follows where the Rule of Law is ignored. I will oppose the ongoing violation of our values as long as I can. I believe in an America that values lawful behavior and welcomes immigrants with talent and a burning desire to make our country great.

If your first act in our country is to violate our laws, I say you have no respect for our nation and don’t belong here. Tens of millions of people immigrated here lawfully, many waiting years and paying thousands of dollars. Citizenship is a privilege that can’t be stolen. Those who think it can, like Nancy Pelosi and her ilk, are the truly indecent ones.

Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S., is serving his fourth term in Congress as the Representative from Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District.