A bill that would require women seeking abortions in South Dakota to receive an oral and written statement that abortion ends the life of “a whole separate, unique, living human being” is working its way through the state Senate.

SB 110 would also require abortion clinic staff to discuss with women “the physical or psychological risks to a woman posed by an abortion.”

The bill specifically states that the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Sioux Falls performs nearly 98 percent of all abortions in the state and is the only abortion facility in South Dakota.

The measure further accuses the staff at the Planned Parenthood Sioux Falls facility of “providing pre-abortion counseling that does not comply” with requirements of state law:

The Legislature finds that the physicians, agents, and employees performing or assisting in the performance of abortions at the Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls, South Dakota provide pregnant mothers written disclosures that include the statement:

“Politicians in the State of South Dakota require us to tell you that some studies have found that women who have had abortions have a higher rate of suicide or thoughts of suicide than other women. We dispute this statement because it does not mean that abortion causes suicide or thoughts of suicide. In fact, no research study has ever established that abortion causes suicide or thoughts of suicide. Planned Parenthood and other medical organizations around the world believe that whether a woman chooses to have an abortion or to have a baby, her chance of having thoughts of suicide or trying suicide will be the same.”

The measure passed the Senate State Affairs Committee Friday by a 6-2 vote. The full state Senate could take up the bill as early as Tuesday.

LifeNews reports that South Dakota and Planned Parenthood have battled repeatedly over state informed consent laws.