HomeMakers for America will be in the nation’s capital on March 8 to celebrate a national and international movement that started in May 2017 when the pro-God, pro-family, and pro-freedom organization published its Declaration of Mothers.

Since then, thousands of women in more than 4,000 U.S. cities and all 50 states have signed the declaration, several governors are proclaiming March 8 International Mothers Influence Day, and last month Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) entered the declaration into the Congressional Record.

In January 2018 HomeMakers for America partnered with women around the world to issue the Worldwide Declaration of Mothers, which has since been signed by organizational leaders representing eight million people in more than 150 countries around the world.

“It is clear that despite what the media and radical feminists would have us believe, the pink-hatted protestors do not speak for the majority of women in America—or the world,” the organization said in its press release about the national briefing that will take place at the Phyllis Schlafly Center in Washington, D.C.

HomeMakers for America noted that the left degrades motherhood and its crucial role for children, families, the community, and civil society.

“Last year at the United Nations Council on the Status of Women, the big push by feminists from Europe, Canada, and the United States was to declare motherhood a “burden,” defining it as “unpaid work” that needs to be recognized, reduced, and redistributed.”

In the 2017 annual letter from the Gates Foundation, Melinda Gates said: “The real issue isn’t how much time women spend on unpaid work—it’s how much time they don’t spend contributing to society and pursuing higher education or a career.”

Gates also said women should “spend more time doing paid work, starting businesses, or otherwise contributing to the economic well-being of societies around the world. The fact that they can’t, holds their families and communities back.”

“Women around the globe are repelling this ludicrous notion, refusing to allow a mother’s love to be cheapened, belittled, and marginalized,” the HomeMakers for America press release said.

Kimberly Fletcher, president and founder of the organization, told Breitbart News why this is the right time for the movement.

“We are at a critical time in our culture,” Fletcher said. “Our children are under constant assault – from gender confusion to global warming guilt.”

“We are bombarded with messages that tell our boys they are rapists in the making and our girls they will always be victims,” Fletcher said. “White privilege is taught in schools as historic fact, making white kids feel guilty and black kids feel like they’ll never succeed.”

“All these things are pushed on our kids by radical feminists and their cohorts,” Fletcher said.

“From school shootings to transgender bathrooms, feminists are on the wrong side of every issue when it comes to protecting our children and maintaining a free society,” Fletcher said. “Despite what feminists would have us believe, what mothers want most isn’t the right to kill their own offspring, but the opportunity to be with them.”

“Now more than ever we need the influence of good women in America—for our children’s sake and the future our nation,” Fletcher said.

Fletcher said that while the left and feminists are promoting daycare and government schools, mothers hold the key to creating a healthy and prosperous society.

“What children need more than anything isn’t the best tax-payer funded daycare, it’s the love of their mother,” Fletcher said. “Strong family connections create more stable, well-rounded kids who become good husbands, fathers, wives, and mothers and contributing participants in building stronger communities.”

And those strong families need fathers, too, Fletcher said, adding that this women’s movement sees men, not as adversaries, but partners in advancing their cause.

In fact, Fletcher men are among the thousands who have responded to the call to join the Declaration of Mothers.

The Declaration of Mothers says, in part:

As the mothers, primary Makers of the Homes of America and molders of the future of our nation, we declare that the liberty and freedom of all people begin in the home and that a nation is but a magni- fied home. The values and virtues taught within the family will determine the values and virtues of the nation as a whole.

We recognize the sacred role of mother as the heart of the home and home as the heart of society. The liberty of each individual begins in the home and parents are, first and foremost, the primary teachers and protectors of their children in a free society. Properly constructed social, religious, and governmental institutions are designed to support and strengthen the family unit, not replace it or regulate it. No association or government organization can replace the family no matter how well-intentioned or well-designed it may be.

Fletcher noted that the venue was chosen because Phyllis Schlafly spent her lifetime fighting for the same values as her organization.

“Mothers are the hope of America,” Fletcher said. “We literally hold the future of America in our hands.”

“We don’t need more laws,” Fletcher said. “We need stronger families.”