Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) told National Public Radio (NPR) on Monday that President Donald Trump is a “racist” because of his immigration agenda.

“If this president is not a racist, then I don’t know who is,” Gutierrez said.

The Illinois Democrat insisted that Trump’s immigration agenda is really about limiting non-whites from entering the United States, falsely accusing Trump of only wanting “people from Norway” instead of immigrants from Africa, Latin America, and Asia. According to the Washington Post report about Trump’s “shithole countries” remarks, Trump reportedly “also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt that they help the United States economically.”

“I think two plus two is four, and that makes a racist policy,” Gutierrez insisted.

Gutierrez, whose over-the-top anti-Trump rhetoric has endeared him to the “Resistance Wing,” also said that the “glue” that holds the GOP House caucus together is “being anti-immigrant.”

“Elections are coming up… and I intend to take the kind of actions to break up that glue,” he said.

Gutierrez, who is retiring from Congress after his term ends, is touring the country to build a left-wing infrastructure to combat Trump. He recently told “dozens” of amnesty activists in California that he is considering challenging Trump for the White House in 2020.