Radical feminists and Christian conservatives are joining together as the nation’s first statewide referendum on transgender bathrooms approaches in November.

Citizens of Massachusetts will vote on a ballot question that asks whether to repeal or retain a 2016 law on transgender rights that added gender identity to other classifications protected from discrimination in public spaces such as bathrooms.

Both feminists and conservatives are counting themselves among those opposed to a biological male who perceives himself to be a woman using the bathrooms or changing areas designated for women or girls.

Kaeley Triller, a member of Hands Across the Aisle coalition – a group of women whose philosophy is “biology, not bigotry” told the U.K. Times it is not often that radical feminists and Christian conservatives come together on an issue.

“This is often positioned as a right-wing vs. left-wing issue, but it isn’t,” Triller added. “Right-wing Christian girls are working alongside radical feminists and lesbians. It’s pretty extraordinary.”

Triller also tweeted praise for the Times article reporter, Josh Glancy:

“The article that no one in mainstream media in the States has the courage to write,” she observed. “God bless this man.”

The Massachusetts transgender rights measure was signed into law by Republican Gov. Charlie Baker. Keep MA Safe, a coalition of conservatives and Christians, then worked to repeal the law, gathering more than the 32,000 signatures required to launch a referendum.

Many opposing the law are focusing on the safety of women and children in public restrooms and changing facilities when a biological man who claims to be a woman decides to use the same spaces.

Transgender advocates, however, claim the public safety outcry is simply serving to stoke fear while the real purpose of the law is to prevent bullying of an unprotected class of individuals.

“This isn’t really about public safety,” Phil Sherwood, whose group Freedom for All Massachusetts is heading the effort to protect the law, said, according to the Times. “This is about marginalising and demonising a vulnerable part of our population that needs to be lifted up, not put down.”

Triller tells Breitbart News, however, she is “personally pretty irritated” at the ease with which those who want to protect the law dismiss the safety issue.

“In the #MeToo moment, it is pretty bewildering that this kind of ignorance can still thrive,” she explains. “I’ve got seventeen pages of documentation of women and girls being harmed by men who infiltrated their spaces in the last two years alone. I stopped counting in July because it was getting so depressing. Voyeurism is an epidemic.”

Triller adds that, conversely, she has “yet to see a single documented incident of a male being sexually assaulted as a result of being asked to use the bathroom of his sex.”

Still, though safety is important, Triller says there is even more at stake.

“What kind of values statement are you making when you declare to womankind that their boundaries are nothing more than bigotry or that their ‘no’ only means ‘no’ until a man in a dress decides otherwise?” she asks. “This is what the left would categorize as rape culture, and they’re aggressively perpetuating it. I do not need to prove that the man in my locker room is determined to rape anyone in order for my boundary to be legitimate.”

Triller describes the agenda of those protecting the law as one that is “essentially declaring a ‘Look, but don’t touch’ standard that quite literally strips females of our hard-fought protections and basic human dignity.”

“It’s appalling,” she asserts. “Transgender people already have equal rights to the same exact bathrooms and locker rooms as anyone else of their biological sex; they are demanding special rights, and they’re demanding them primarily at the expense of women and girls. It’s 2018. Enough is enough.”